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Washington Post on Senate Finance Committee OPO oversight letter
Washington Post on executive order
Washington Post on problems with OPO metrics
Washington Post on Senate Finance Committee OPO oversight letter
Washington Post: Jennifer Erickson, “I want a journalist to see what happens to my organs after I die. Here’s why.”
Washington Post on HHS proposed OPO rule
Washington Post: “The Trump administration is actually doing something great on health care”
Washington Post: Erika Zak, 39-year old mother who died during transplant, “A posthumous letter to my daughter”
Washington Post investigative series on OPO problems (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8,9)
The Hill on HHS proposed OPO rule
The Hill: Jennifer Erickson & Abe Sutton, “It’s Time to Provide Needed Reform to the Organ Donation System”
The Hill: Sarah Longwell, mother of a waiting list patient, “Organ transplant system desperately needs improvement”
The Hill: Senator Todd Young “Reform organ donation to save lives”

CNN on HHS proposed OPO rule
CNN: Bakari Sellers, “Dealing with a broken organ donation system after my 4 month old had liver failure”
CNN: Greg Segal and Nobel-laureate Al Roth, “The Trump administration's organ donation efforts will save lives”

NYT whistleblower video on OPOs gaming metrics
NYT: Editorial Board, “She Beat Cancer. Now, She’s in Another Fight for Her Life.”
NYT on underperformance at NYC OPO
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee on OPO metrics / never losing contracts
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee on OPO metrics / never losing contracts
Associated Press on HHS proposed OPO rule
Associated Press on HHS proposed OPO rule
Associated Press on variable OPO performance and problems with OPO metric

​Minneapolis Star Tribune: Editorial Board, “Too many Americans die while waiting for 'gift of life'”
Minneapolis Star Tribune: Dr. Tim Pruett, former president of American Society of Transplant Surgeons and of UNOS, “Organ donation: A better system could save thousands of lives”
Modern Healthcare on HHS proposed OPO rule
Axios on HHS proposed OPO rule
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review on fraud, waste and abuse (here and here)
CBS News on illegal kickback scheme between Alabama OPO and local funeral home
Coverage on Erika Zak case (CNN, NYT Editorial Board)
John Oliver on dialysis
Vox on OPO metrics, executive order
St. Louis Post-Dispatch on OPO blurring of lines between for-profit/non-profit activities
Miami Herald on Miami OPO: failing to meet regulatory requirements and physical assault of staffers by the CEO;
New York Post: Dara Kass, “America’s Deadly Failure on Organ Donations”
USA Today: Andy Slavitt and Adam Brandon, “Here's how organ donation reform could save thousands of lives, billions in tax dollars”
Politico Pulse Check podcast: “The fight to fix organ donation, with Greg Segal”
Real Clear Health: Dr. Goran Klintmalm, former president of American Society of Transplant Surgeons, “Reforms to Organ Donor System Would Save Thousands of Lives, Millions in Taxpayer Dollars Annually”